The Dirty 30 - NOVEMBER 21, 2015
This will be an amazing hoedown hosted by CrossFit 916 and equipped by none other than HicFit. Be ready for some challenging workouts done HicFit style in the tune of CF916 programming. As always you are cordially invited to swing by and test WODs once they are released. To be nice we will release the most skill based workout weeks before the comp so you can prepare. Otherwise be ready to put in some work and have a blast competing against your over 30 peers!
Rules for Teams
- Male/Male teams and Female/Female teams
- One Teammate MUST BE between the ages of 30-39
- Other Teammate MUST BE over 30 years of age
- Movements will be manageable by MOST athletes, weight of movements will be de-light-ful and fast...
Questions or want to be a vendor?!? Text or call and leave a message at 916-616-3560
WOD 1 - 8 min AMRAP
7 Hang Clean (Full Squat)
30ft Partner Farmer Carry
7 Burpee Over / Unders
*One Partner may complete the reps at a time. No tag out required. Bar for Over / Unders will be roughly 5ft tall. Check Instagram or Instapics link above for clues
WOD 2 - 12 min Cap
1RM Clean (full)
2 Rm Hang Power Snatch
*Heavy Double Unders
Teams will have 3 of the 12 mins to warm up at their station. Lifts performed during the 3 min warm up will not be counted toward final score. Bar MUST BE unloaded prior to starting the scored portion of the WOD. Once the bell rings for the scored portion teams will have 9 mins to find a 1RM Clean and 2 RM Hang Power Snatch. Two Part score, one for most weight successfully completed in the Clean and one for most weight successfully completed in the Hang Power Snatch. BOTH teammates' lifts will be added together to earn the highest weight possible for each movement.
*There's always a catch... 5 Heavy Double Unders MUST BE performed by either teammate every :45sec. Heavy Double Under Reps must be completed after the bell rings and before the barbell is moved for a scored rep.
Bar must continue motion until either full squat (Clean) is achieved or locked out overhead (Hang Power Snatch). Hang Power Snatch may not touch the ground between reps.
Floater WOD - 3 min total
Max Rep Dumbbell Ground-2-Overhead
Two Part WOD w/constant running clock
Score 1 - Max Reps of
:30sec work @ 50#/25#
:30sec work @ 60#/35#
:30sec work @ 70#/45#
Score 2 - Max Reps of
1:30sec work @ 85#/55#
Rep must start with Dumbbell (DB) touching the ground. Only one hand may be in contact with the DB during the rep. DB may go from ground to directly overhead OR from ground to shoulder to overhead. Rep must be completed with no assistance from the free hand. Rep will be complete when locked out in control overhead. DB must not be dropped from above the knees or the completed rep will not count. Two hands may be used to bring the DB down from overhead.
Score 1 will be total Reps completed for first 3 weights attempted, score 2 will be total Reps completed with the final DB.